Shopping Cart Tutorial - Item Code, Item Description, and Other Item Code
Admin Main > System > Product Maint > Click "Edit" next to desired product
Item Code Area:
Item Code:
By adding a new Item Code you are effectively adding a new product - while the General Information area stays the same everything else changes, as can be seen by comparing example 01 with example 02. You will see that the item code had changed in the second example also that the section below Item Code (Product Price) has completely dropped all information. This will also happen in very other section following.
To add a new item Code simple type in the desired information over the existing and click Add New Item Code. You can select which Item Code you wish to edit in the Select Other Item Code box.
Item Description:
This is a place to enter a description that will only show up in a dropdown when there is a product with variations of the product (more than one Item Code).
For example a Nutritional product that comes in a 100 capsule bottle, and a 250 capsule bottle. In this area, you would put "100 Capsule Bottle". If no variations, you still need to enter something very short to make sense here.
You first enter an item code for this item you are entering. The title may be "Super XYZ Capsules". Your description may be "Super XYZ Capsules make all your dreams come true and all your ailments heal!" Now if you had 2 sizes of bottles of these capsules you may have the Item Code set to 1000 for the standard bottle, and you would put "100 Capsules" in the Item Description.
You could then use the "Add a New Item Code" button to add an Item code 1001 and for that one, you would put Item Description as "250 Capsules".
The end results of your efforts will be you have the main item code showing a drop down with the variations, rather than separate items for each and every variation of the same product.
Cart Menus
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Add a Product & Step 2 of Product Entry
Item Code, Item Description, and Other Item Code
Product Price & Volume
Product Details
Product Stock, Package Contents & Product Properties
Full Description
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