Affordable MLM Software Enterprise Class
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Affordable MLM Software
INS MLM Software features allow you to be MORE PROFITABLE when compared to other MLM Software.
Affordable Mobile MLM Software, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Currency. INS Affordable Mobile MLM Software can get a new MLM Company or Network Marketing Company started, or take an existing company to a new level of business efficiency, making you MORE MONEY.
Affordable Mobile MLM Software Feature List
Ask us if you qualify for our "Share in the Risk" Mobile MLM Software Pricing.
Members Back office and Admin now BootStrap and Fully Responsive so works on ANY mobile device, smartphones or tablets!
Mobile MLM Software Commission Plans
- MLM Commission Calculation - Your Custom Multi-Level-marketing Commission plan built to your specification! 40 hour allowance to build included in Mobile MLM Software purchase.
- Uni-Level Commission Plan, 3x8 Matrix, Binary Commission Plan, Binary Unilevel Hybrid, Straight Line Plan, 2x2 cycling matrix, Australian 2 up(aussie 2 up), Coded Bonus Plan, Fast Start Bonus, Infinity Bonus, Matching bonus, Check Match Bonus, if you can dream it, we can build it!
- Run and Re-run as often as you need to get it right before pushing Pay.
- Development environment provided in case you wish to try scenarios
- Check Printing Video Demo 7min 22sec
- Other Payment Out options per your needs.
Affordable MLM Software Members Back Office (Demo Video 23min 43 sec)
- MLM Communicator FREE mobile app allows direct login to members back office from app.
- MLM Communicator Mobile Application - members can get all corporate email blasts directly to their smartphone as a push notification in real time vs emails which are unreliable in today's MLM environment. INSTANT communication!
- MLM Communicator FREE mobile app allows direct login to members back office from app.
- Mobile Signup
- Add/Edit Change all but Name, including addition of multiple addresses or payment types.
- Replicated Website "About Me" Page control and prospect info collection form.
- Real Time Graphical Downline Viewers
- Genealogy Report with autoship volumes (updated daily)
- Genealogy File Structure type viewer.
- Personally sponsored member and customer list.
- Earnings Reports and History
- Member Online Signup (Demo Video 6 min 38 sec)
- Member Online Order (Shopping Cart)
- Autoship Control Real Time add/edit/delete
- Rotating Autoship Feature
- Order Status and History
- Support Link (Automated FAQ Help Desk Support Ticket System)
- FAQ Access
- Control of Commission Payment Options
- Personal Account (e-wallet) System that is Multi-Currency as well as Reward points capable
- Currency Exchange functionality
- Gift Certificates
- Inter-Member Transfer
- Commission Payment Option Control and auto withdrawal settings
- Calendar for Corporate Events tracking and personal use.
- News Feature
- Administration notes and Support Ticket understanding area.
- Quote of the Day
- Inter-member Inter-System Email Communication system
- Social Networking Status and Friendship Functions like Facebook
- Secure Recognition Picture upload
- Sponsor Leader Listing
- Recognition Story and photo area.
- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn links on Replicated website about me page.
- Holding Tank Feature (if needed)
- Member Re-Positon Feature (if needed)
Mobile Responsive MLM Software Auto Prospecting System
- Mobile Application available as front end interface to subscribers for free
- 4 Page Member Controllable Sifting/Sorting Website
- Member Controllable Video or Audio presentation
- Member Controllable Survey
- Contact Manager
- Contact Notes
- Telephone Scripts
- AutoResponder Follow Ups
- Birthday Emails
- Anniversary Emails
- Mentoring function to assist your downline
- Traffic rotator to share traffic with downline or run your own Ad Co-Op
- Corporate Advertising Co-op
- Template Selection
- Email blaster to lead groups
- Custom Data Fields
- API to add leads from an external website
- Export to PhoneBurner
- Import from PhoneBurner
- Statistics
Mobile Responsive MLM Software Administration Area
- Fully Bootstrap and Mobile Responsive Back Office Environment for FULL Mobile Support across all Mobile Devices, SmartPhones, Phablets, AND Tablets!
- MLM Communicator Mobile Application - admin can send all corporate email blasts directly to members smartphones as a push notifications in real time vs. emails which are unreliable in today's MLM environment. INSTANT communication! (Credits must be purchased by admin and app CAN be custom branded to the MLM for an additional charge)
- Autoship Control - daily autoship processing or set to automatic
- Autoship Bonus - an engine that allows you to give free product based on Autoship being maintained for set number of months
- Rotating Autoship Feature - allows you to have a set of products that are sent in order month after month as autoship vs. a static autoship.
- Charging/Invoicing - handle the money, retry ccards (or set to automatic) confirm payment from non real time sources, approve batches for printing, approve batches for shipping, delete dead orders
- Weighbill Entry - Enter Weighbills by hand, barcode reader, or if you are integrated with a logistics company, it can happen automatically.
- Withdrawels - process automatic withdrawels, and manual withdrawels to various payment types you have configured
- Resend CCard Reciepts
- Member Transfers - Approve members transfers above the threshold you set in configuration
- Check Status - balance your checkbook to commission checks printed
- Commission Run - Run, rerun, pay.
- Error Display - get the actual error reported by entering the ID supplied. (keeps you PCI compliant)
- Referrer Maintenance - Setup referrers for complex skinning capabilities and various multi currency scenarios
- Email Downline Approval - Approve downline emails sent by members that you have forced to have approved before sending. (Problem members?)
- Tax Exemption - set tax exemption rules for items, and or Members with State Tax ID's etc.
- Upload Engine - upload files for use in backoffice or public/custom pages in your replicated site.
- Gift Certificate - list of all gift certificates issued in the system for tracking.
- Quote Engine - Add/Edit/Delete the 14000+ Quote of the Day quotes for display in the members area
- Calendar - add events, approve member events for sharing with all calendar users.
MLM Software Configuration
- Admin Configuration Area - Video Demo 9min 55sec.
- Replicated Website Control Content Management System (CMS) to add/edit/delete public viewable pages, backoffice pages or even admin pages
- Admin Replicated Website Skin and Multi-URL engine allow you to run multiple look and feels connected to specific shopping cart categories and FAQ categories allowing you to run multiple scenarios segregated at prospected area, yet integrated for members commissions.
- Admin CSS Control
- Admin Theme Graphics Control - 3 styles out of the box, or you can customize your own as well.
- Terms and Conditions engine and version control.
- Admin Mobile Replicated Site Control
- Downline Viewer Configuration, set what information Admin can see vs. what members can see on their personals or non personals, includes options like, First and Last Name, Phone Number, Email Link, Volume Purchased last week, Current Autoship Volume Set, Volume so far this period, Qualified for this period, Rank, Leg Count.
- Admin User control - up to 8 access security levels for admin users. Users can be locked to a country or countries, and to warehouses for very granular data access.
- Warehouse Control - make unlimited warehouses, select how each warehouse communicates orders to logistics company or internal paperwork creation
- System Prefs control to control over 200 variables on how your system is configured, or change configuration on the fly including company name phone number etc.
- Shopping cart configuration including tax methods and currency control.
- Shipping Formula Control engine
- Shopping Cart Item Control (Add/Delete/Edit Unlimited Products/Prices/Points)
- Country Code Control engine
- Image Upload engine
- Tax Table Control - American, Canadian, Australian, Euro VAT, Japanese and any other tax system supported.
- Item Tax Exemption control by State/Province/Region
- Corporate Entity Tax Exemption Control - exempt member from State/Provincial tax if paperwork on file.
- Control of System Pages Base English to allow you to fit system to your culture
- Many Macros for use throughout the system so pertinent information can be changed in one place and have the whole site update
- Comms Setup to control simple titles etc. in your custom commission plan.
MLM Software Distributor/Member Control
- Distributor or Customer Look up by; Username, Name, Order Number, Credit Card Number, ID Number, Paperwork ID, SSN/SIN, Email, Phone, IP, Signup Date Range, City, State, Country, Zip/Postal code, On Autoship or Not, and ANY COMBINATION of parameters
- Distributor Support Interface (CRM) - Video Demo 7min 25sec.
- Member communication interface to use above search capabilities to get your subset of members and post a note to their members lounge, as well as email to them internally and email them externally all at once.
- Distributor Maintenance area - edit all client details, add unlimited addresses, Personal Account Update, add or subtract funds in commissionable or non commissionable way.
- Inter member transfer history visibility
- Payment Type control add or edit payment types and auto withdrawel settings
- Autoship setting modifying deleting
- Quick Email Function for sending member quick standard emails saves time over custom emails
- Invoice listing with ability to change status, refund, set paid, set unpaid, delete, set shipped on an individual basis.
- Earnings Report History
- Members team summaries and genealogies.
- Volume Adjust Tool
- Various team downline viewers
- Flag Update area to allow a member to not need to meet commission criteria to get paid.
- Enable Holding tank and/or Re-Position Functionality.
MLM Software Signup/Order/Autoship Money Handling
- Admin Signup (for offline signup capability) - backdate capable
- Admin Order (for offline order capability) - backdate capable -optimized for quick data entry.
- Autoship Processing Module
- Automated Real time Credit Card Gateway processing, as well as offline non-real time payment processes supported
- Batch PDF Order Printing, Order Shipping, and weigh bill lookup (integration to fedex etc. possible) Video Demo 7min 22sec
- Order Refund - partial refund capability.
- 3rd party CSV file export Single file format or Dual File format or XML format.
- Personal Account System - (e-wallet) Non Credit Card Money Handling
- CCard Blacklist - add known cards with issues to blacklist so they are never transmtted to your gateway.
- Credit Card Receipt sending engine
- Gift Certificate and Member Transfer control
- Currency Exchange Settings
Mobile MLM Software Help Desk and MLM Automated FAQ System
- Handle all Support queries in one integrated contained system
- MLM Help Desk and Automated FAQ Interface - Video Demo 9min 58sec
- Get lists of open tickets by language, Status of New, or opened
- Automatically add to FAQ any support tickets that are generic and useful to your members.
- Approval of FAQ - used to check work of CSR before making answer public
- Unapproval of FAQ - used to take an FAQ off the public list.
- Approve as Non-Members, Members, or Admin FAQ item.
- FAQ Category Control
- Direct Add to FAQ Function
- View Logs - See how well your CSR's are performing compared to each other, or keep tabs on a far flung support staff worldwide
Other MLM Software Member Communication Features
- MLM Communicator Mobile App connects to members area to allow reciept of push notifications direct to phone, allow direct login to members back office, and even send blasts to your own downline by push notifications.
- Calendar Control to add corporate conference calls, meetings etc. to all member backoffice calendars.
- Member communication interface utilizes extensive member search capabilities to get your subset of members and post a note to all their members lounge, email to them internally, externally, and stamp note in CRM area of distributor maintenance, all at once.
- Integrated Moderated Forums available for any clients who would like them, turned OFF by default due to learning curve.
Mobile MLM Software Multi-Lingual
- Translate to as Many languages as you wish.
- Easily issue translator passwords to motivated members without risk.
- Translation Interface - Video Demo 8min 56sec
- Control of System Pages Base English to allow you to fit system to your culture
- Enable, disable languages and control character set used
- FAQ System operates in separate languages
- Webeditor CMS System allows for translators to make easy duplicates of pages to translate without design skills.
- Approval based translation system allows for translation to NOT go live until admin approval.
- Search for translatable text by page, word, text string, or all untranslated items. Full versioning system built in.
Mobile MLM Software Reporting
- Sales - VERY POWERFUL for Slicing/Dicing your sales Data!! Multiple Input by City/State/Zip and by Item Code/Product Category/Age/Rank all date range selectable. Sub totals by each category. Shows Total Units Sold, Avg/unit, Total Orders, Avg/Order, Total People Sold To, Avg/Person, Total Autoships, Total Autoship Amount, Avg/Autoship
- Sales Summary - Total Sales/Taxes/Freight per enabled Currency by date range, breaks out commissionable and non commissionable sales as well.
- Sales Graphs - Current Period, Previous Period, set period Daily, Weekly, Annually, Yearly, or By commperiod, then shows comparatives of last month vs this month, and same periods a year ago.
- Sales Item Detail - by order date, paid date or commperiod, date selectable, show by country, or all, and paid or unpaid or all orders. Shows by cart category, all items and who bought each one as well as price volume and taxes.
- Item Summary
- 1099 - report to use to generate your 1099's for American clients.
- AutoShip - Shows all members, their autoship day, volume, date of last autoship, Order Status and Signup Date. Hotlinked to Distributor Maintenance.
- AutoShip Product - Lets you select a list of all users on autoship for a particular product, shows username, item code, Country shipping to, Quantity, and Ship Day.
- Commissions - By date range, shows who earned how much and their username and real name, hotlinks to distributor maintenance.
- Invoices - List of invoices by date range and paid status and referrer, can export to csv. Shows
- Leader Listing - Shows top Sponsorers by day, week, month, year, all time
- Qty Sponsor - By Date Range, and Referrer, Shows total sponsored, name, username, phone number and email. Often used for recognition phone calls.
- Signups - By Date Range and Referrer, All Signups showing Username, Name, Date of Signup, Sponsor and Autoship Volume.
- PSVolume - By Date Range, and you can select, top 10, 20, 30, 40, 100 to show total personally sponsored volume. Shows Username, Name, Personal Volume, and Personally Sponsored Volume.
- Cancel - By Date Range and Referrer, shows all Cancelled members username, name, signup type, date cancelled and sponsor.
- Suspended - Shows all Suspended Members and allows you to terminate from within report.
- Unfinancial - Shows all Unfinancial Members and allows you to terminate from within report .
- Commission Period Summary - Shows metrics from your commission plan by commission period, and allows you to get a csv report of full details of pay by member.
- Credit Card Autoship
- Member Personal Account Balances - Shows total balance of each members personal account by currency, you can select sort order by balance, id, username or name Ascending or Descending. You can export this report as a CSV.
- Product Order List - Daily order report, by date range,
- PDF Report - Generate PDF's
- Check Report - A list of all checks, who they were written to, how much for, and check number.
- URL Statistics - Shows hits to urls within your system
- Awstats - Web statistics for your site by AwStats.
- Current Active - By member status and date range, report shows username, name, address, autoship volume, and initial purchase volume. This report can be exported as a CSV
- Tax Summary - report for preparing your Sales taxes, or GST or VAT, if you are not using a service such as Avalara.
- Login/Pageviews Graphs - Graphs of how many logins/pageviews you have had by time frame.
- Any report you need can be made for you upon your spec.
- Context Sensitive Help to allow quick learning of the system
- Recognition photo approval
Admin Auto Prospecting System Functions
- Integrates with main Mobile MLM Software kernal seamlessly
- 1 autoship takes care of both monthly fees and Ad Co-op
- A Major Profit Center for your Business
- Unlimited Template System Creation
- Corporate Push to keep members updated with latest corporate version if they wish.
- Advertising Co-Op Engine for tracking money in the co-op and money placed in ads and where.
- Ad Co-Op participant list (automatic but you can add or take away manually as well)
- Lead Transfer
- Compliance engine to lock out members from making changes that will affect the company negatively
- Statistics
Optional Modules
- Stock Market Game - Virtual Stock Market Game
- Auction Engine - Normal, Reverse, Highest Unique, Lowest Unique, Penny
- Coupon Engine - A Groupon type engine.
3rd Party Integrations
This list is constantly changing, so if something you need is not written here, please don't hesitate to contact us to see if we have what you need, or something that can easily substitute.
- USA Taxation
- Avalara Tax
- CCH Tax Tables
Credit Card Gateways and Payout Solutions: (List changes regularly)
- TransFirst
- eWay
- VirtualMerchant
- eProcessingNetwork
- Barclaycard
- Link Point
- Network Merchants
- Transaction Central
- IPS eWallet
- GMO Payment Gateway
- Moneris
- BluePay
- Wirecard
- Pay Junction
- IP Service
- SagePay
- PayTrace
- ProPay
- Metrics Global Gateway
- First Data
- Giact Systems
- SolidTrustPay (Caution on this company)
- AlertPay (Caution on this company)
- Paypal (not recommeded for MLM)
- MoneyBookers
- GlobalXchange E-wallet
- INS Personal Account and E-Wallet (built into Mobile MLM Software)
3rd Party Shipping Company Integrations: (this list changes regularly)
- Fedex (Caution many types of integration, likely would need rebuilding based on the type you qualify for for fedex)
- Pitney Bowes
- Apex
- INS csv export generation and PDF creation (allows integration by csv or xml to many different logistics companies)
First Class Support
- 24/7/365 Emergency support.
- Every client gets Issue tracking software to ensure no details are ever lost, no "emails" go astray creating costly time delays, and all staff, yours and ours are kept on track and accountable.
- Support by Skype text and voice (with appointment), and even Telephone if and when required.
- Sunday 4pm to 11pm PST
- Monday to Thursday 7am PST to 11pm PST
- Friday 7am to 4pm PST
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