MLM Training - Recommended Reading

Here is my suggested reading List, this will change often and also will link you to places where you can actually purchase the books online. I will also give my own comments on each book I list.

First, Kim Klavers Site!

I love this lady. So straight up and Straight forward! No sugar coating here! You will get hooked on her stuff if you give it a try. Truly fantastic.


I have to say that I did not enjoy this magazine for some time, just recently picked up a copy and absolutely LOVED it. It has come a long way since its beginnings. I highly recommend a subscription to this one now.

Free Trial Issue of Entrepreneur magazine


Most of these books witch are available for purchase from

Click Here to read more reviews than you know what to do with and find the appropriate resources you are looking for!

Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill - Click Here to read my personal thoughts and review.

Wave 3, the New Era in Network Marketing, Richard Poe

The Wave 3 Way of Building your Downline, Richard Poe, The Book

Your First Year in Network Marketing, Mark Yarnell

The Wealthy Barber: Special Gold Edition

The Wealthy Barber, Chilton

Successful Network Marketing for the 21st Century, Rod Nichols

The Aladdin Factor

Jack Canfield, Mar...

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The Aladdin Factor, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Being the Best You Can Be in MLM:How to Train Your Way to the Top in Multi-Level - Network Marketing Being the Best you can Be in MLM, John Kalench

Creative Visualization, Shakti Gawain

The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz

The Greatest Opportunity in the History of the World, John Kalench

Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion, Napoleon Hill

The MLM Binary Plan, Ray H. Duncan

You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor

Audio Tapes

The Wave 3 Way of Building your Downline, Richard Poe, The Tapes

The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz

How to build a giant Heap without your Friends Family or Neighbors, Kim Klaver - See link at top!

S.O.S, Kim Klaver - See link at top

Web Sites - Kim Klavers site, fantastic! - I don't always agree with what this site says, but the good part is he posts both sides of every

argument. A good resource to see if the company you are thinking about is keeping clean or making troubles. Don't rely on it exclusively, but use it as a bit of a research tool - Like this site, just a lot of information and some good links to good resources.

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