So you want to know even more about File Transfer Protocol Software?
There are a lot to choose from.
You will first need to decide what method of building a website
you are going to use. Are you going to just use a text editor
and write in a basic text editor?
Are you looking more for a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
html editor? If you are, I recommend Front Page by Microsoft.
Many good hosting companies will offer support for
Front Page
Server Extensions.
Front Page Server Extensions allow the average person to create
quite advanced website functionality without in depth knowledge of
Front Page also has built in FTP capabilities.
A great piece of software that is for the more advanced user is
Macromedia's Dreamweaver. It can be a bit intimidating for
beginners, but is super powerful once you become more comfortable
with web design.
For Just FTP my favorite software is
Simple, fairly inexpensive, and really powerful.
Do you want to play around with FTP and Web Sites? We would
be happy to give you a little fully capable piece of Web Space
including Microsoft Front Page Server Extensions, for
you to learn with. Just
Click Here to get our NO-Advertising, absolutely FREE website.

PS. On our Higher end Web Hosting Packages that are not free, we
offer multiple FTP Accounts, and of course also have
Microsoft Front
Page Server Extensions!