January 2000
Success Story
First Word
How Do We Spend Our Days?- Uma Sackett

We've all anticipated and celebrated this historic New Year and now ... life goes on and business goes on. The symbolic importance of the year 2000 continues, but so does the need to keep moving forward and building on our accomplishments one day at a time. As Annie Dillard reminds us, "How we spend our days is how we spend our lives" -- just how significant we make the year 2000 is directly linked to how significant we make each day.
At Upline, we have a significant year of issues headed your way, and to mark the New Year and begin our second decade in print, we've made a few changes. The most obvious is, of course, the redesign -- the consensus in our offices was that a millennial makeover would be a nice gift to the publication, so thanks to our own ever-dedicated designer, Tom Bellucci, and the folks who design our sister magazine, Network Marketing Lifestyles, Upline's new look came into being. We'll be modifying it a little here and there as the year goes by, so if you have input or feedback about the design, please share it with us!
We're also glad to introduce a new column this year -- the Abundance Column by Teresa Romain. Teresa and her company Access Abundance! International are devoted to helping people create financially, emotionally, socially, and spiritually abundant lives, and one of her courses on the subject is designed especially for Networker Marketers. Since her first article ran in Upline a few years ago, Networkers from all different companies and at all different levels of success started working with her -- her reputation grew rapidly, and she's now been a featured speaker on the topic of abundance for a number of company events. That Teresa has serious value to offer isn't news to us, though -- we spotted her early on, and involving her in Upline as a monthly columnist is the result of a conversation we started over a year ago. We decided to launch her column with an article ("When I'm Diamond ..."), and in the coming months you'll find her column with the others in the second half of each issue. What she has to teach will support you in achieving the full freedom you came to Network Marketing for.
A few other changes to announce ... for quite some time we've been receiving requests to feature stories about people who aren't top leaders in their companies yet (as most of the Networkers in our Success Stories are) but rising leaders on the way up their comp plan. Well, you've been heard -- starting with next month's issue, you'll find the same kind of Success Stories you've come to expect in Upline, as well as the story of a Networker "Headed for the Top." If you have someone in your organization who fits this description (other than yourself), let us know!
Also starting next month, Art Jonak will be taking over where Luke Melia left off as Technology Editor. Art has a long-time connection with Upline -- many of you know him well from his days in the Upline offices. As a successful Networker whose reputation in generic training is growing by leaps and bounds, Art relies on leveraging technology. You can look to him for no-nonsense what-works-what-doesn't advice that can be applied in your business right away -- we know you'll appreciate his expertise as much as we do.
This is an exciting time for Network Marketing, so here's to exceeding the expectations we've built up for 2000 and keeping Annie in mind ... how we spend our days is how spend our lives. From all of us at Upline, happy New Year -- we appreciate you.
-- UO
Reprinted with permission from Upline, First Word - January 2000, 888-UPLINE-1, http://www.upline.com