February 2000
First Word
Leadership On Our Minds - Uma Sackett

In the last few months of 1999, more people called me with leadership on their minds than in any other single period I can remember since I've been with Upline. Maybe it's that the dawn of a new era urges us to mark our times, leave a legacy. Maybe it's that the renewal of goals and commitments that customarily comes with the new year has left a more dramatic residual effect for all our millennial excitement. Whatever the reason, people are examining and reexamining what it means to be a leader, and heeding or reconsidering the leadership call that begins, whether you like it or not, the day you start in Network Marketing with the intention of sponsoring others.
Last month Doug Firebaugh gave us an impassioned definition of leadership and suggested Ten Commandments of Network Marketing Leadership. His piece was a call-to-action of sorts -- no limits, no fear, big thinking, big vision. His idea of a strong leader is "fired up." (Get him and Jan Ruhe on stage together and the roof will likely burst into flame.) This month, however, the authors of our feature article look at leadership in a completely different way. Linda Avery and Connie Dugan are interested in the notion of personal leadership -- what it means to expand the term beyond the list of top earners who historically get all the attention. They see this as a cultural shift the industry needs to make toward holding leadership as a local responsibility and opportunity. With Doug's version in mind, try Connie and Linda's on for size.
Sheila Murray Bethel, who contributed this month's article "Expanding the Possible," is the author of a no-kidding national bestseller on leadership, Making a Difference: 12 Qualities That Make You a Leader. While the article isn't about leadership per se, Sheila approaches this all-important aspect of Network Marketing from the perspective of a serious leader, or at least serious leader to be. We think you'll find her compelling and convincing as she explores the risks involved in creating possibility.
Jennifer Cummings and Carlos Gueits each speak for segments of the population they feel are rising leaders in the industry -- Generation X and Hispanic Americans. After building most of her massive Mannatech downline with "Gen Xers," it's fitting that Jennifer recently became the new president of The Young Networkers Association. A serious leader in her own right, she's focused on educating her generational peers about Network Marketing, and her Networking peers about the leadership potential of her generation. In this issue she names the ten most important things you can do to attract young entrepreneurs to your business.
Carlos has a substantial and growing group with Ameriplan, and he built most of it in Hispanic communities. There are people in his downline who speak hardly any English and yet are succeeding in the business. Carlos is convinced that the number of Hispanic leaders in Network Marketing is about to rise dramatically; he tells you why it hasn't happened yet, why it will, and how to be involved. It never ceases to amaze how versatile and adaptable Network Marketing can be, and what he has to say here is an impressive reminder.
Some great success stories this month, too, including the first Headed for the Top success story of a former "London bobby" who was able to retire from the police force recently because of his dedicated and consistent part-time Networking effort. Inspiring leaders all of them -- enjoy the issue...
-- UO
Reprinted with permission from Upline, First Word - February 2000, 888-UPLINE-1, http://www.upline.com