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Ideas of the Month


All That For $10 a Day!!

Are you just getting started in Network Marketing? Wondering where to find the money to build your business without taking out a loan or working overtime?

Well . . . here is a plan I came up with to keep me motivated and responsible to myself as well as to my business as it grows. The best thing about this tool is it can be duplicated! Here it is:

Every morning I write myself a check for my business. I write it for $10. (I figure my business is worth $10 a day.) I started this the very first month after I signed on.

During the first month, I didn't spend any money until I needed to purchase product for my Personal Volume. In most companies, this is between the 22nd to the 25th of the month, in time for them to receive my order before the Order Insurance Program is put in motion or before the end-of-the-month rush.

Meanwhile, your business account grows and you can continue to read about Network Marketing in general, your company and the products you want to try first. Then by the 24th day, you have $240 dollars to use for your business. I just left mine in my checking account, but you can put it in a savings account and then put it on a credit card for business or in another account--whatever is best for you. It adds up, but doesn't seem like a "big deal" because you just do it for $10 a day.

By the 24th, you purchase $200 dollars worth of product to enjoy as well as to show others who are interested in the same products. This leaves you with $40 to use for flyers or an ad or brochures or towards a mailing list or postage.

You keep paying yourself $10 a day, and by day 30, you have another $60 dollars. Then you treat yourself to a new outfit or take your husband/ wife/partner/friend out for dinner and a movie. You look forward to the "treat," it makes you feel good-- no, great !

So you have spent $200 on products, used $40 for advertising, perhaps bought yourself an ice cream cone while placing flyers on cars or door-hangers in a neighborhood or newsletters or take-one brochures at laundromats, bookstores or bulletin boards around town. As your business grows and you learn about your products, you begin to retail more and can start using that retail profit for your $10-a-day business pay.

Using this system, you will become a consumer of your own business, knowledgeable about product use, knowledgeable about Network Marketing in general, knowledgeable about your company and about what duplication actually means, because you duplicate yourself first and then show others how to do it.

Remember , you can do it for $5 or $7 or $15, whatever you feel comfortable with until you reach the amount you need to get PV, enough for advertising small and then more and more, and enough for a reward.


Thanks to Pangea Ltd. distributor Sue Osborne, who wins a free one-year subscription for contributing this Idea of the Month. Got a great networking idea yourself? Jot it down and send it to Executive Editor Uma Sackett at Upline or email if we publish your idea, you'll win a free subscription (or renewal) too!

The Power of Publication

Recently my company introduced a dynamite new product. A superb article was printed in the Boston Globe about it, and I called everyone I knew in the Boston area to ask them to save the article for me, thereby calling their attention to this product. Needless to say, I quickly added new members to my organization.

Following that, an article appeared in the Women's Wear Daily about the launching of another great new product, this time in our skin care line. I applied the same principle and went to every women's store and boutique to ask them if they had the last Friday's issue. Most of the stores I approached did not receive Women's Wear Daily or their copy was already gone, but that didn't matter-- invariably everyone asked what I was looking for and I generated a tremendous amount of interest. I gave each of them a copy of our 16-page color brochure and told how the product could benefit them.

Now I have great new members and have generated a strong interest in MLM. It's a great door-opener, especially for prospecting in the retail sector. If you don't have an article to share from a newspaper or a magazine, write one yourself, or with someone, about one of your products or your MLM story. Then use the same techniques I did to increase your sponsoring and your retail sales!


Thanks to Shaklee distributor Dubi Gordon, who wins a free one-year subscription for contributing this Idea of the Month. Got a great networking idea yourself? Jot it down and send it to Executive Editor Uma Sackett at Upline or email if we publish your idea, you'll win a free subscription (or renewal) too!

Your Cheapest Prospecting Tool: Leadership!

As we've all read before, it's vital to realize that when it comes to the business opportunity, it's often the sponsor that initially draws new people to the business. You have to sell your prospect on your ability to support them. With the advent of the Internet, this has become much simpler.

When I've introduced someone to my business opportunity and didn't get them started, I ask if I can add them to my weekly email update. This takes no extra effort on my part (no more than adding their name to the mailing list) and lets them see the kind of support they're going to get. If you're giving your group the support they deserve, this just might be what sells them on your leadership.

Don't have a weekly email update? Start one! I send mine out on Monday nights and use it to remind everyone that Tuesday is the Conference call. I always include the phone numbers and times for all the different time zones.

This is a cheap, easy, and unintrusive way to "drip" on your prospect and build their confidence in you as a potential business partner.

Thanks to Alive distributor Paul Adams, of Ramona, CA, who wins a free one-year subscription for contributing this Idea of the Month. Got a great networking idea yourself? Jot it down and send it to Executive Editor Uma Sackett at Upline or email if we publish your idea, you'll win a free subscription (or renewal) too!

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Reprinted with permission from Upline, Ideas of the Month - November/December 1998, 888-UPLINE-1,
