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Title Tutorial Step 1 - Diamond Rain

First let us take another look at the keywords that we selected from the keyword tutorials system.

Pay per click list

prostate cancer, heart disease, retirement, immune system, wellness, compensation, dietary supplements, home networking, st john wort, side business, royal numico.

Non Pay per click list.

health, weight loss, diet, prostate cancer, heart disease, nutrition, retirement, immune system, wellness, compensation, dietary supplements, home networking, diet pill, st john wort, sport nutrition, antioxidant, food nutrition, vitamin and mineral, weight loss diet, supplements, weight loss pil

We will deal with the Non Pay per click list for the Titles and Descriptions.

Now an important key in your title is to not list your company name first.  In this case the company name is diamondrain and it is an independent person representing another company so we need to consider if their is any value in entering in the company name at all into the Title.  We felt it not a benefit as the name didn't have brand recognition yet.  We can re-evaluate this decision later.

So we want to start with a catchy title.  Our tutorial on titles and descriptions has a link to a whole explanation on what can make a catchy title for predominantly Internet stand alone strategies.  Click Here to go see that.

Step 1

We start by substituting our Keywords into the Blue Text Spots below.  These can make good starting points for a Title.

  1. They Laughed When I started taking Nutritional Supplements --- But When I Started To feel younger and have more energy.....
  2. Do You Make These Mistakes In dieting?
  3. How a Health and Wellness Profile Saved Me From Staying Fat
  4. Who Else Wants to have a second income?
  5. Announcing The New Free Nutritional Profile For 2001 (change year also)
  6. Are You Ashamed Of The lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet?
  7. Buy No Nutritional Supplements Until You've Seen Our FREE Nutritional Profile Generator
  8. Can You Talk About Nutrition With The Rest Of Them?
  9. Heart Disease Prevention At Low Cost --- If You're A dietary supplements user
  10. Diet Pill customers ... Save 1 pound In Every TEN
  11. Double Your Money Back If This Isn't The Best Weight Loss Pill You Ever Taken
  12. Free Report Tells You 10 Secrets Of better health and wellness
  13. Get Rid Of diet Worries For Good
  14. Guys...Want Quick Retirement?
  15. Greatest Food Nutrition News In 25 Years (change number of years too)
  16. 10 Ways To Beat The Fear of Prostate Cancer
  17. How To Stop Dieting
  18. How The Next Forty Five Days Can Change Your health
  19. The Secret Of Weight Loss Diets
  20. Weight Loss In 90 Days Or Money Back
  21. To Home Networking people Who Want To Enter Retirement Early

Remember we said some of these would be hokey, was we right?  Don't worry, in step 2 of the process we fine tune the ones we like to come up with final versions!!


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