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Keyword Tutorial #3 - Diamond Rain

Title:  Health, Wealth and a new millennium

Good Title: 

We decided not to try and rank the words ourselves but rather just proceed to the next research step at this point as all the words appeared equal in our mind.

Top 20 keywords

Word Rank # searched top bid to make 40th bid
health   1074226 .55 .21
rexall 1760 .17 .00
*lifestyle 11287 .19 .00
wellness 8024 .69 .02
alternative health 3591 .64 .07
antioxidant 6334 .84 .07
**st john wort 11473 .36 .03
royal numico 116 0 0
side business 45 .02 .01
supplements 12019 .64 .17
retirement 17443 .59 .03
preventative medicine 157 .25 .01
prostate cancer 32054 .58 .02
centrum 1718 .05 .01
second income 221 .45 .01
diet 205353 .91 .17
weight loss 361552 1.07 .29
cleanse 1539 .18 .01
personal care 1384 .39 .02
cardiac 1842 .06 .01
***minerals 16122 .42 .03
diamondrain  0 0 .01
****compensation 5131 .40 .01
nutrition 173242 .52 .16
*****networking  27010 1.70 .05
anti wrinkle 220 .32 .01
immune enhancer 0 .01 .01
heart disease 23106 .40 .01
immune system 8251 .68 .02

New Word Ideas that came up from our searching

Word Rank # search top bid 40th bid
moonlighting   885 .10 .01
dietary supplements 6782 .75 .03
multiple income streams 112 .05 .01
diet pill 26810 .81 .15
weight loss diet 14099 .51 .12
weight loss pill 4689 .61 .07
vitamin and mineral 2731 .45 .02
sport nutrition 5628 .65 .04
home networking 9872 .17 .01
food nutrition 4809 .27 .02

*When we looked at lifestyle, the more popular keyword searches that included that word included swinging lifestyle, and alternative lifestyle and a number of other search keywords that were way off base to what we were looking for so we decided to drop it from our list.

**We found our spelling of st johns wort to be inaccurate to what was being searched so we changed the spelling to st john wort.  goto's system alerted us to the error.

we found business was too broad a topic and deleted it.  Side business will be better.

***mineral was well searched but about half seem to relate to minerals in the ground versus vitamin and minerals

****Not completely on topic but not highly contested on bids either.  Most bids related to compensation consulting or workers compensation type of stuff.

*****A lot of the top ranked in this word all deal with computer networking.  This leaves us not certain if this is a good keyword or not as our type of networking only showed about 971 hits.  Home networking came up as a potential good one so we checked it out to see what kind of topics came up.  It was a hit.  Barely contested keyword with almost 10,000 people who searched for it.  A gem and most of the results were the type of companies we would be looking for.

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